Mindgrasp AI Logo

Accelerate Your Professional Growth with Mindgrasp

Seamlessly convert documents, meetings, and educational content into actionable insights and knowledge.

Mindgrasp AI Solutions

Entrepreneurs. Doctors. Lawyers. Scientists. Engineers. Investors.

10,000+ professionals ♥ us from around the 🌎

Stanford UniversityPrinceton UniversityMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Ohio State UniversityUniversity Of Maryland

Benefits for Professionals

Maximize Productivity, Minimize Time Spent

Mindgrasp is the ultimate tool for professionals looking to stay ahead in their field. From preparing for important meetings to continuous learning, Mindgrasp delivers personalized content that fits your professional needs, ensuring you're always informed and prepared.


Ready to Transform Growth and Productivity?

Try Mindgrasp for free and experience a new era of accelerated learning and increased productivity.


Elevate Your Work Efficiency


Meeting Summaries

Quickly distill key points from Zoom meetings and webinars.


Document Analysis

Instantly extract relevant information from any PDF or document.


Continuous Learning

Turn any professional article, podcast, or video into flashcards and quizzes for knowledge retention.


Insightful Question Answering

Instantly find answers to specific questions you ask about anything you’ve uploaded. Your AI Assistant can also search the web and find you relevant answers to your questions, with references.


Customized Summaries

Get tailored summaries for swift review before meetings or presentations.

Ready to Work Smarter?

Try Mindgrasp for free and experience a new era of accelerated learning and increased productivity.

How It Works



Input Your Material

Upload any professional material—be it a document, PDF, recorded meeting, podcast, or video.



Select Your Output

Choose the type of output you need, whether it's summaries, flashcards, quizzes, or direct answers.



Gain Insights & Knowledge

Receive your customized content instantly, ready to enhance your productivity and professional growth.


Basic Plan

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AI Question & Answering

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Web Search Question & Answering

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Al Summaries & Notes

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File & Link Uploads

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Human-like Text-To-Speech

Transform Your Professional Routine Today

Experience a new level of efficiency and insight with Mindgrasp.

Contact Info
🏢 6751 Columbia Gateway Dr. STE 300
Columbia, MD 21046
Made with in Maryland by a global team
© Copyright 2022-2024 Apricot AI LLC . All Rights Reserved
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